Tuesday, 28 April 2009

not my best side

How desperate does someone have to be for sugar before she seriously considers – and by ‘seriously’ I mean ‘seriously enough to actually reach the point of standing in front of the open fridge door’ - the possibility of drinking from a bottle of maple syrup? Or if not drinking from it, at least pouring from it into a big spoon to take its sugary goodness like a dose of Panadol for a childhood earache?

This is not, as you may be charitably surmising, a rhetorical question.


Anonymous said...

Me, spoon, open fridge door, jar of jam...

That's all I have to say on the matter.


Lynette said...

If you drank coffee you could put in some maple syrup for some hot creamy goodness!
i recommend just downing that spoonful. delicious! it's maple syrup.

Amber said...

Coffee and maple syrup? Have you gone mad?

zircon11 said...

Reminiscent of my brothers and me in our sugar-craving youth, scooping out spoonfuls of condensed milk from the tin in the fridge and hoping the viscosity would disguise our plundering...

Amber said...

Lynndy! I am so honoured! It was the sugar that drew you in.

That added thrilling danger of possibly slicing your finger on the open tin of condensed milk, not easily replicated in the bottle of maple syrup scenario. Kids these days. So protected.

Allison Fairbairn said...

I would, and have, drank maple syrup. It's also really good on ice cream or as sweetener in your oatmeal.

No shame in this.

Amber said...

Y'all are just gross. I feel much better.