Wednesday 9 June 2010


I went to a place recently that had a contraption on the wall that floofed out soapy foam for cleaning your hands with. It had a sign above it: 'Waterless Hand Washing Facility'. Someone had taken a biro and crossed out the word ‘Water’ and written ‘Use’, so it read “Useless Hand Washing Facility”.

Then on the bus home this evening, I saw a sticker in the back window of a car, that read: BREAD + DUCKS = DEATH. And I briefly fancied that same person might come by in the night, and replace 'DEATH' with 'SANDWICH'.


A. Hiscock said...

I giggled about BREAD + DUCKS = SANDWICH for much longer than it probably deserved this morning. I'm a little punchy.

Leslie said...

Would that be served with quackers, do you think?

Sorry. I just felt it had to be asked.

Amber said...

*trombones* wah wah waaaaaahhhh...