On the right, a swift (the big umbrella thing that, in a Harry Potter-style moving photo, would be spinning madly). To the left, a ball-winder. The whole setup is engineered to enable you to wind skeins of yarn into balls of yarn without getting it all tangled up until you collapse in a sobbing heap. It's the ultimate anti-stress device.
Wrapped around the swift? It's the green blanket. Here's what it looks like now:
Ready and waiting to be turned into something that doesn't have me donning the shroud of woe and despair every time I pick up the needles. I love this about knitting. Almost never is there a point where it can't be undone and made better. Suddenly, a piece of misery becomes a heap of potential. Let the merriment be forthcoming.
So, a swift and ball-winder is a rather nifty device that eliminates the need to persuade someone to stand with their hands held up for you while you wrap yarn around them? Cool.
Wouldn't it be great to put your name to some inspired invention? Imagine being able to say, "The paperclip? Yeah, that was my idea"
On the matter of the green blanket, looking forward to seeing the progress....
You know, I've never been one for enforcing upon others lengthy hand-holding-out for yarn winding, because for whom on the planet is that an enjoyable activity? Nobody, that's who.
With that contraption at my side, I could be convinced to go back to knitting. There is a part of a blanket in a nearby box that is often on my mind, reminding me of the dropped stitch a million rows back...like the knitting telltale heart.
That's funny, because I have part of a blanket tucked away in a box that keeps getting rattier and uglier as I become more and more beautiful and never age...
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